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Description: Fiber-Optic communication systems的英文版电子课件-Fiber-Optic communication systems -- in the English version - Courseware
Platform: | Size: 1362720 | Author: linglin | Hits:


Description: Fiber-Optic communication systems的英文版电子课件-Fiber-Optic communication systems-- in the English version- Courseware
Platform: | Size: 1362944 | Author: linglin | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineLMS

Description: 主要是研究光纤通信系统中的克服PMD效应的电域均衡技术,构建电域均衡器的模型并进行仿真实验。找到补偿PMD效应的较理想的电域均衡器结构。-Is to study, fiber-optic communication systems to overcome the effects of PMD electrical domain equalization technology, building a power domain equalizer model and simulation experiments. PMD compensation effect to find a better balance of power domain structure.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Lee | Hits:


Description: 光纤通信中的SDH数据帧解析及提取的VHDL实现源代码,共包含帧同步、E1及F1码流提取、DCC1码流提取、帧头开销串行输出四个主要模块-SDH fiber-optic communication data frame analysis and retrieval implementation of VHDL source code, include the frame synchronization, E1 and F1 stream extraction, DCC1 stream extraction, header overhead serial output four main modules
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 张晓彬 | Hits:

[Technology ManagementNonlinear_Fiber_Optics_Chinese_edition

Description: 光纤是20世纪的重大发明之一,其导光性能臻于完美,很难想像还会有更好的替代者。本书是光学、光子学和光通信领域的重要译著,分原理篇和应用篇两部分。原理篇包括光传输方程、群速度色散、自相位调制、调制不稳定性和光孤子、偏振效应、交叉相位调制、受激散射和光参量过程等内容,科学归纳为非线性光纤光学,侧重于基本概念和原理。应用篇内容包括光纤光栅、光纤耦合器,各种光纤干涉仪、光纤放大器和光纤激光器,光脉冲压缩技术,以及有关光纤通信系统和孤子波系统中的传输问题,体现了非线性光纤光学在光波技术、光通信领域的应用。全书理论严谨,处处结合实际例证,特别是紧密结合光通信领域的新成果与新问题,图文并茂,说清讲透,且各章都附有习题。本书适合作为光学、物理学、电子工程等专业的本科生和研究生教学用书,同时对从事光通信产业的工程技术人员和从事光纤光学、非线性光学领域研究的科技人员来说也是一本非常有用的参考书。 -Fiber is an important invention of the 20th century, one of the optical properties of reaching perfection, it is hard to imagine there will be a better replacement for him. This book is optical, photonics and optical communication field of translation, principles and application of Part Part two parts. Principles of articles, including optical transmission equation, group velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation, modulation instability and optical soliton, polarization effects, cross-phase modulation, stimulated scattering and optical parametric process, such as content, science summed up as non-linear fiber optics, with a focus on basic concepts and principles. Application papers will include fiber gratings, optical fiber coupler, a variety of fiber-optic interferometer, optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers, optical pulse compression technology, as well as optical fiber communication systems and soliton wave transmission system, reflects the non-linear fiber optics in light wav
Platform: | Size: 17445888 | Author: 罗飞 | Hits:


Description: 国外电子与通信教材系列。电子通信系统(第四版)。Wayne Tomasi著,王曼珠 许萍 曾萍 等译,薛荣华 审校。电子工业出版社。 本书系统讲述了电子通信领域的全部内容,从常规模拟电子通信系统的基本概念到更现代的数字、光纤、微波、卫星及蜂窝和PCS电话通信系统,涉及通信原理、通信电路、电波天线、数字和数据通信、通信系统等多门课程内容。-Foreign electronic and communications materials series. Electronic communication system (fourth edition). The Wayne Tomasi, Chu Man-Ping Xu Ping had such as translation, revision薛荣华. Publishing House of Electronics Industry. System, this book describes the field of electronic communications all the contents of electronic communications from the conventional analog system to a more basic concept of the modern digital, fiber optic, microwave, satellite and cellular and PCS telephone communications systems, related to communication theory, communication circuits, radio antennas, digital and data communications, communication systems, such as the course content.
Platform: | Size: 20249600 | Author: 成逛 | Hits:


Description: Optical Communication
Platform: | Size: 4477952 | Author: kumar | Hits:


Description: fiber optic communication system e book
Platform: | Size: 4341760 | Author: shobhitsnapaj | Hits:


Description: Optical Fiber Communications,作者:Gerd Keiser,内容涉及光纤传输原理和传输特性、半导体光源和光检测器的工作原理及工作特性、数字光纤通信系统和模拟光纤通信系统、光放大器的工作原理和性能、WDM系统原理、光网络以及光纤通信系统测量-Optical Fiber Communications, of: Gerd Keiser, covering fiber optic transmission theory and transmission characteristics, semiconductor light sources and light detectors operating principle and characteristics of digital optical fiber communication systems and analog optical fiber communication systems, optical amplifiers operating principle and performance, WDM systems theory, optical networks and optical fiber communication system measurements
Platform: | Size: 12924928 | Author: 柳絮 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUsingTDMtorealizemultiplextransmission

Description: 利用时分复用实现多路数据与视频复合传输的光纤通信系统-Achieved using time division multiplexing multiple data and video transmission in fiber optic communication system of composite
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 杨永 | Hits:


Description: 利用VHDL语言编写的光纤通信,将上位机的命令通过主站处理后,用光纤发送到从站。-VHDL language using fiber-optic communication, the host computer commands through the main points are treated, the fiber is sent to from the station.
Platform: | Size: 4542464 | Author: Harvey | Hits:

[Other Embeded programProject_EOW_Tasking_Project_file-C_source_Code-XA

Description: Engineering Order Wire for Fiber Optic Communication system of SDH/SONET Processor: Philips 80xa51 16bit Source Code: C Project: Tasking -Engineering Order Wire for Fiber Optic Communication system of SDH/SONET Processor: Philips 80xa51 16bit Source Code: C Project: Tasking
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: vasavya | Hits:

[Program docSerial

Description: 串口光纤通信的组网方式 武汉波仕电子有限公司-Serial fiber-optic communication network formation
Platform: | Size: 869376 | Author: 刘亮明 | Hits:

[Com PortTestServer

Description: 光纤卡通讯通程,自己编写。实现了光纤卡通讯功能。-Cartoon Paper fiber process, write your own. To achieve a fiber-optic communication card.
Platform: | Size: 2046976 | Author: 李承伟 | Hits:


Description: verilog hdl实现5B6B编译码(光纤通信线路码型),包含了时钟发生器模块 ,信号源模块 ,编码模块 ,译码模块, 和检错模块,并通过modesim仿真验证。-verilog hdl achieve 5B6B encoding and decoding (code-based fiber-optic communication lines), contains a clock generator module, signal source modules, code modules, decoding module, and error detection module, and through modesim simulation.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 林海全 | Hits:

[Program docXinox-Software

Description: 在电力系统通信中,数字光纤通信由于其本身的优点得到越来越广泛的应用。数字光纤通信系统中,从电端机传输过来的电信号均要结合数字光纤通信传输的特点经过线路码型的转换。通过线路码型的转变平衡数字码流中的“0”和“1”码字,从而避免码流中出现长“0”或者长“1”的现象。在数字光纤通信系统中比较常用的线路码型就是mBnB码型,mBnB线路码型的最大优点就是最大相同码元连码和少、定时信息丰富、并且有简单成熟的误码监测与码组同步的方法。 -In the power system communications, digital optical fiber communication because of its own merits to be more widely used. Digital optical fiber communication systems, from electrical signals transmitted over end machines have to combine the characteristics of digital optical communication transmission line pattern after the conversion. Through the balance of the line pattern of change in the digital stream, " 0" and " 1" code word, thus avoiding the emergence of a long stream of " 0" or long " a" phenomenon. In digital fiber optic communication systems commonly used in the line pattern is mBnB pattern, mBnB line coding of the biggest advantage is the greatest symbol with the same code and less time information-rich, mature and have a simple code group synchronization error monitoring and the method.
Platform: | Size: 1456128 | Author: chenyingying | Hits:


Description: this file is matlab code for pc to pc communication .different algorithm is employed
Platform: | Size: 2952192 | Author: niema | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOptical-Fiber-Communication

Description: 这是一本关于光纤通信系统设计的书,以optisystem为基础对光通信的仿真实验。-This is a book about the fiber optic communication system design to optisystem basis for the simulation of optical communication.
Platform: | Size: 1312768 | Author: | Hits:


Description: fiber optic communication systems book in pdf form
Platform: | Size: 4262912 | Author: omar | Hits:

[OtherNonlinear Fiber Optics----By GOVIND P. AGRAWAL

Description: Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1989, the field of nonlinear fiber optics has virtually exploded. A major factor behind such a tremendous growth was the advent of fiber amplifiers, made by doping silica or fluoride fibers with rare-earth ions such as erbium and neodymium. Such amplifiers revolutionized the design of fiber-optic communication systems, including those making use of optical solitons whose very existence stems from the presence of nonlinear effects in optical fibers. Optical amplifiers permit propagation of lightwave signals over thousands of kilometers as they can compensate for all losses encountered by the signal in the optical domain. At the same time, fiber amplifiers enable the use of massive wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and have led to the development of lightwave systems with capacities exceeding 1 Tb/s.
Platform: | Size: 2878464 | Author: 杰泽 | Hits:
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