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Title: webshot Download
 Description: installation steps : 1. System Development Language :+ Asp. Net access/sql server installation and the need to ensure your server right Asp. Net and access/sql server database support. Windows 2000 and XP users need to install.NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable package.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1.NET Framework SDK version 1.1. By the above sequence followed by the installation, your server can support Asp. Net. You can also omit the process of direct visual stdio.net installation. 2. Will webshot folder on the hard copy of a directory, established in IIS virtual directory pointing to the folder. 3. Change Web.config configuration file, "F :/web/dinghuidanhomecom/db/eshop.mdb" replacement for the correct database files absolute path. To slash/directio
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