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Title: demo1 Download
  • Category:
  • Document
  • Tags:
  • [MacOS]
  • File Size:
  • 92kb
  • Update:
  • 2020-05-24
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • ASAI
 Description: The snapshot algorithm of global state is implemented, and the following programs are monitored: two processes P and Q are connected into a ring by two channels, and they continuously rotate the message M. At any time, there is only one copy of m in the system. The state of each process is the number of times it receives M. P sends m first. At some point, P gets the message and its status is 101. After M is sent, P starts the snapshot algorithm, and records the global status reported by the snapshot algorithm.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
demo1 0 2020-01-14
demo1\小组实验.docx 95258 2020-01-14
__MACOSX 0 2020-01-14
__MACOSX\demo1 0 2020-01-14
__MACOSX\demo1\._小组实验.docx 243 2020-01-14
demo1\client2.json 158 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\demo1\._client2.json 176 2019-12-02
demo1\client1.json 158 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\demo1\._client1.json 176 2019-12-02
demo1\.vscode 0 2019-12-02
demo1\.vscode\launch.json 482 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\demo1\.vscode 0 2020-01-14
__MACOSX\demo1\.vscode\._launch.json 176 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\demo1\._.vscode 176 2019-12-02
demo1\main.go 4192 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\demo1\._main.go 176 2019-12-02
__MACOSX\._demo1 176 2020-01-14

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