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Title: 电子邮件收发系统 Download
 Description: Sending and receiving e-mail is a very useful function for some applications that perform special tasks. For example, a tool software that monitors the use of a network server resource, if it has the ability to automatically send e-mail, can send an alarm email to the system administrator when it finds that the server's resources are already near the pre set critical state, so that the system administrator can be sent to the system administrator. Take timely measures to avoid major accidents. In Visual Basic, the application can implement the function of sending and receiving e-mail by calling the Microsoft Corp's MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface, the message application programming interface).
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电子邮件收发系统\adressbook.adr 65536 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\Adressregister.PDM 3942 2001-08-01
电子邮件收发系统\base64.cls 4486 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\chinese.lpk 3427 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\clsLanguagePack.cls 6872 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\CSocket.cls 57140 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\data.mdb 274432 2007-11-26
电子邮件收发系统\Desc.txt 511 2002-09-24
电子邮件收发系统\english.lpk 3580 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmMail.frm 32920 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmMail.frx 5078 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmMail.log 187 2002-09-02
电子邮件收发系统\frmMain.frm 32442 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmMain.frx 2764 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmMain.log 478 2002-09-02
电子邮件收发系统\frmOptions.frm 11519 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmOptions.frx 5608 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\frmOptions.log 92 2002-09-02
电子邮件收发系统\frmStatus.frm 2546 2002-06-22
电子邮件收发系统\german.lpk 3700 2002-06-26
电子邮件收发系统\mail.gif 106 1998-04-27
电子邮件收发系统\Mail.gif.lnk 450 2002-06-18
电子邮件收发系统\MailChecker.PDM 4330 2002-06-24
电子邮件收发系统\MailChecker.vbp 1813 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\MailChecker.vbw 625 2007-11-26
电子邮件收发系统\Mainform.frx 2646 2002-06-18
电子邮件收发系统\Misc.bas 18967 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\modMXQuery.bas 28291 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\MSocketSupport.bas 45302 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\MSSCCPRJ.SCC 196 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\NewDialog.cls 30031 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\PerfCt.bas 5415 2000-01-04
电子邮件收发系统\PhoneBook.frm 40252 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\PhoneBook.frx 3358 2004-12-24
电子邮件收发系统\Pop3Popper.ini 348 2007-11-26
电子邮件收发系统\rtf2html3.bas 36156 2002-09-24
电子邮件收发系统\SendMail.cls 98167 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统\Temp.html 2 2007-11-26
电子邮件收发系统\vbMime.cls 40149 2005-07-19
电子邮件收发系统 0 2007-11-26

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