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Title: EM78P372例程 Download
 Description: The product has two modes of operation: the product is in charge state and not in charge state. 1.: when the product is in charge, there are two states: filling and charging. 2.: when the product is not in charge state, whether the detection is at a level and exceeds a certain angle (plus or minus 30 degrees); 3. charging, full of indicator light CHRG_GREEN light, charging instructions: 4. is not in charge, when the product is in the level state, the load is closed, the work indicator light green, the red light closed. When the inclined angle exceeds a certain angle (positive and negative 30 degrees), it shows that the indicator light is bright (the green light is breathing when the voltage is more than 1.65V, the voltage is less than the red light when the voltage is 1.65V).
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
EM78P372例程\321.bat 154 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.cds 4905 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.cml 3077 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.cpj 2226 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.dbg 19516 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.map 18879 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.pji 92 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321.txt 61827 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\321_bp.dt 17281 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\AD.h 726 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\adam.h 2653 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\EM78P372N.h 8987 2015-02-05
EM78P372例程\I2C.h 5078 2016-03-10
EM78P372例程\interrupt_vector.h 1416 2014-01-16
EM78P372例程\Key_Scan.h 0 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\led.h 3083 2016-09-21
EM78P372例程\project.bat 192 2016-03-10
EM78P372例程\project.c 1854 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\project.i 286 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\project.lst 97569 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\project.o 26356 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程\project.s 30877 2018-04-20
EM78P372例程 0 2018-04-20

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