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Title: voice Download
 Description: Speech recognition program written by VC++ can control speech of robot.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader yechangda]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
RES 0 2008-05-21
RES\BITMAP3.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BITMAP4.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BITMAP5.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BITMAP6.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BITMAP7.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BITMAP8.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP0.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP00001.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP00002.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP00003.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP00004.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP1.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP10.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP13.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP14.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP15.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP18.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP2.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\BMP9.BMP 302 2001-11-21
RES\ICO00001.ICO 766 2001-12-27
RES\ICON1.ICO 766 2001-11-26
RES\ROBOT.ICO 1078 2001-11-07
RES\ROBOT.RC2 397 2001-11-07
RES\robotDoc.ico 1078 2001-11-07
RES\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2001-11-20
RES\TOOLBAR1.BMP 3190 2001-11-25
RES\_desktop.ini 8 2006-06-07
ROBOT.APS 46424 2008-05-21
ROBOT.CLW 4050 2004-09-20
Label.cpp 4680 2011-04-16
MainFrm.cpp 3352 2011-04-16
Robot.cpp 4204 2011-04-16
robotDoc.cpp 10088 2011-04-16
robotView.cpp 21756 2011-04-16
SetupDlg.cpp 1432 2011-04-16
StdAfx.cpp 245 2011-04-16
ROBOT.DSP 6263 2001-12-27
ROBOT.DSW 535 2001-11-07
Label.h 2121 2011-04-16
MainFrm.h 1626 2011-04-16
RESOURCE.H 3141 2011-04-16
Robot.h 1383 2011-04-16
robotDoc.h 2404 2011-04-16
robotView.h 2723 2011-04-16
SetupDlg.h 1316 2011-04-16
StdAfx.h 1092 2011-04-16
ROBOT.OPT 54784 2004-09-20
ROBOT.PLG 2822 2004-09-20
ROBOT.RC 16292 2002-03-24
ROBOT.sln 874 2008-05-21
robot.vcproj.YUANWEI-BDBA74F.yuanwei.user 1427 2008-05-21
robot.vcproj 10621 2008-05-21
ReadMe.txt 4287 2001-11-07
命令.txt 410 2001-11-21

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