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Title: daojishi Download
 Description: Using Visual Basic to design a countdown timer software on the computer, manually input the countdown time, time to sound reminder and picture reminder.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ashincyy]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
倒计时 0 2016-04-17
倒计时\Form1.frm 7421 2016-03-28
倒计时\MSSCCPRJ.SCC 336 2016-04-16
倒计时\倒计时.exe 28672 2016-04-16
倒计时\倒计时.frm 7890 2016-04-17
倒计时\倒计时.log 1564 2016-04-16
倒计时\倒计时.vbp 683 2016-04-17
倒计时\倒计时.vbw 52 2016-04-17
倒计时\倒计时1.exe 28672 2016-04-17
倒计时\提示声.mp3 58096 2016-04-16

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