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Title: F28069M Download
 Description: The C2000™ Piccolo™ LaunchPad™ , LAUNCHXL-F28069M, is a complete low-cost development board for the Texas Instruments Piccolo F2806x devices and InstaSPIN technology. The LAUNCHXL-F28069M kit features all the hardware and software necessary to develop applications based on the F2806x microprocessor. The LaunchPad is based on the superset F28069M device, and easily allows users to migrate to lower cost F2806x devices once the design needs are known. It offers an on-board JTAG emulation tool allowing direct interface to a PC for easy programming, debugging, and uation. In addition to JTAG emulation, the USB interface provides a UART serial connection the F2806x device to the host PC.
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