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Title: KNN Download
 Description: Nearby algorithm, or K-nearest neighbor (kNN, k-NearestNeighbor) classification algorithm is one of classification data mining technology in the most simple way. The so-called K-nearest neighbor is the k nearest neighbors meant to say is that it can be used for each sample k nearest neighbors to represent. kNN algorithm core idea is that if a sample in feature space is k-nearest neighbor samples most belong to a category, the sample also fall into this category, and the category having the characteristics of the sample. The method in determining the classification decision based solely on the nearest one or several samples to determine the category to be sub-sample belongs to the category. kNN method when category decisions, with only a very small amount of adjacent samples related. Because kNN method is mainly limited by the surrounding adjacent samples, rather than the domain identification method to determine the class belongs to the category, so for class field of overlap or more s
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