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Title: MSNStyleSkin Download
 Description: MSN style of the windows, the definition of a very handy categories, can have the MFC Form replaced by MSN style windows, extremely simulation. Strongly recommended.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader yellowriverh]
 To Search: msn skin QQ style
  • [B2004@10.19] - in Microsoft Design Competition award. L
  • [Reusing_DHTML_example] - Web-based windows dialog box procedure,
  • [MQQAppearance] - drawer achieve results similar to the qq
  • [myinternetbrowser] - vc prepared with the new browser, 24 Tru
  • [qqLog] - simulation QQ login interface, QQ landin
  • [likeMSNchat] - prepared by the VC, similar to the MSN i
  • [SkinShowsop] - VC skinnable procedures small routines s
  • [MSNSim] - provided similar MSN chat, file transfer
  • [skinSRC] - Skin well-known skin software source cod
  • [Skingood] - Very good skin dialog code. Can be direc
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