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Title: rs Download
 Description: Rough Sets (Roug Set) attribute reduction source code (C/C++ implementation)
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 To Search: roughsetCprograms
  • [reducing] - rough set of attributes about a simple h
  • [vcthesis] - the system to achieve the rough set to d
  • [SelectString] - Forever select a string and returns the
  • [reduce] - Based on rough set theory, discernable m
  • [parallel] - A parallel algorithm for discretization
  • [Rough_SET] - A dependence on properties of rough set
  • [xcx] - my documents
  • [rosetta] - Toolbox rough sets rough sets can calcul
  • [rose2_setup_01] - Rose2 contains a lot of rough set algori
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粗糙集(Roug Set)属性约简源代码(CC++实现).doc

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