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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: p2p-chat Download
 Description: Classic P2P chat program, a complete client and server-side code, pure c achieved. Welcome to download!
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader yuchen117]
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  • [clinetandserver] - Pure C, prepared by TCP protocol client-
  • [jsp2pDelphi] - P2P instant messaging chat software (all
  • [P2P--chat] - This is a WinForm program the socket, yo
  • [QQ] - Internet chat program, sub-client and se
  • [MyQQ] - QQ system, companies can achieve in the
  • [p2p] - p2p technology, C source code. Who want
  • [QQ] - chat system!!
  • [Linux_p2p] - This is a good report of p2p in linux ,
  • [p2p] - winsocket p2p
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