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Title: webQQ Download
 Description: the procedure is for a NowBoard .* version, itself a non-database, the database installed on the path, as a plug-in the Forum released, Server directory server requests to amend the Web.Config file corresponding database access paths, and build a directory Forum directory , and the Bin. dll file placement of the Forum bin directory. Client for webQQ landing, sed changes, we have done a corresponding note of. this virtual directory to build the management of user names and passwords are xiaoxiao 111,111 this version is not perfect, but as the exchange has had enough and users icon is random because the reader is NowBoard database, which it is now too large icons : (cha cha birds such as a new version out in the forum changed it will increase some of the more useful features, such as the Uni
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 To Search: webqq WebQQ CSharp
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