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Downloads SourceCode Game Program Game Server Simulator
Title: MM7 Download
 Description: MMS MM7 provided simpleteam simulator, than provided by Huawei of China Mobile MMS MM7 use a lot of simulators to support the MO and MT, and Web front-end operations.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader spiritonly]
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  • [mms] - A production of MMS mms example, the dev
  • [cmcc] - cmcc mm7, api source. China Mobile
  • [Mms] - complete MMS ecplise fat source, the use
  • [MM1Simulator] - MM1Simulator SimpleUMS-2
  • [Dialog_serial] - source code for sending mms using mm7 pr
  • [MMSCenter] - mms MMS gateway reference Unicom, move f
  • [MM7] - Use of C# development, source code conta
  • [MM7.NET] - MM7 protocol is specified by 3GPP. As di
  • [MM7.NET] - MM7 .NET using CSharp
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