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Title: Game Download
 Description: D3D games DEMO a collision fighting game scenes are done quite we
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 金鱼]
 To Search: game D3d de Direct3D
  • [tc3d] - A 3D fight game
  • [AirForce] - LOD terrain rendering engine, the use of
  • [5M3D] - which includes five scenes : Butterflies
  • [War3D-0.08.00(Code).Zip] - this as a 3D time strategy game source c
  • [pxdtut10] - very beautiful 3D display, can move arou
  • [game] - Similar type of game equipment source, p
  • [D3Dcar] - Direct3D is also about things, is a car
  • [FIGHTERTEST] - Copengl姆苫态泻蔚危 约 目涞枷?颉;妫
  • [3D_OnlineGame_Humen] - The use of C++ (IDE environment for VC),
  • [PondWater] - Is the surface rendering, can be seen sp
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