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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop GUI Develop Button control
Title: dialog Download
 Description: Dialog instance, contains a number of controls the basic operations, there are buttons, edit box, combo box, drop-down list box, etc.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader grace_147]
 To Search:
  • [file_box] - The listbox displaying files belonging t
  • [ClrButton] - [reproduced] Color button controls. Auth
  • [SaleList2] - used to demonstrate a combination of fra
  • [elbeem-src] - his a short introduction how to use the
  • [DockWindow] - Based on the C++ Prepared with Dock func
  • [WINSHOW] - Using Windows API to achieve self-drawn
  • [ComboTry] - Completely self-painting the ComboBox, r
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