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Title: P2P Download
 Description: P2P penetrate NAT of UDP Principle and realize, including client and server, in VC6, xp_sp2 compiler under test.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader pansunyou]
 To Search: p2p
  • [NATSolutions] - very practical point-to-point communicat
  • [P2Ptransform] - works for the computer network between t
  • [P2P-nat-UDP] - Is a very simple network procedures, onl
  • [200811117306388] - TCP realize P2P communications, TCP thro
  • [P2P_c] - 脮芒脢脟脪 禄赂 枚 录 貌渭 楼 渭脛脢 鹿 脫脙WinAPI禄 霉脫脷Win
  • [select_io] - select socket to complete a simple chat
  • [225] - This is prepared by using C commands enc
  • [dotguide] - TinyOS simulation as a tool to use to gr
  • [soap] - soap agreement, a network used for the a
  • [netchat] - Udp-based chat tools, including server-s
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