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Title: Servletmail Download
 Description: 1: Document explanation that, ExampleServlet.java sends a letter JAVA source document CSEmail.jar to send a letter wraps com CSEmail.jar the source document 2: Deployed: ExampleServlet.java sends to WEB-INF/CLASSES/ CSEmail.jar to put to web-inf/lib/ 3. revises in ExampleServlet.java private String SERVLET_HTTP_PATH = "http://www.yourSite.com/servlet/ to alter to www.yourSite.com your website 4 movements: Http://www.yourSite.com/servlet/ExampleServlet fills in your SMTP server and sends a letter the port, but also has you (not correctly not to be able to issue letter) on this server account number
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader handsome.boy]
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CodeBus www.codebus.net