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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network TCP/IP stack
Title: udphole Download
 Description: UDP holes of the source code through the firewall UDP can be used as a reference
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lionwujin]
 To Search: udp
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  • [NAT_TCP_FireWall] - TCP penetrate NAT. This paper will penet
  • [P2P] - Realize the underlying P2P communication
  • [MakeTCPHoleSCR] - This is a TCP holes the procedure is the
  • [GIB] - TCP holes, holes are usually UDP, TCP on
  • [gds] - mfc developed a network based on the Win
  • [p2pDemo] - p2p between the TCP holes, very stable,
  • [TCPhole] - Use of VC realize the holes in the firew
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