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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
Title: 朱利亚集合,曼德博集合 Download
 Description: matlab code of julia set and mandelbrot set with animation
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朱利亚集合,曼德博集合 0 2019-02-11
朱利亚集合,曼德博集合\Julia.m 750 2019-02-11
__MACOSX 0 2019-02-11
__MACOSX\朱利亚集合,曼德博集合 0 2019-02-11
__MACOSX\朱利亚集合,曼德博集合\._Julia.m 268 2019-02-11
朱利亚集合,曼德博集合\mandelbrot.m 588 2019-02-11
__MACOSX\朱利亚集合,曼德博集合\._mandelbrot.m 268 2019-02-11

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