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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Title: KVVRUGC Download
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
rand.cpp 548 2002-11-26
rand_01_One.cpp 540 2002-11-26
rand_01_Series.cpp 565 2002-11-26
rand_ab_One.cpp 486 2002-11-26
rand_ab_Series.cpp 513 2002-11-26
rand_NormalDistributing_One.cpp 640 2002-11-26
rand_NormalDistributing_Series.cpp 662 2002-11-26
VChap3.dsp 4490 2002-10-22
26Chap3.dsw 533 2002-10-22
eChap3.ncb 50176 2002-10-22
Chap3.opt 48640 2002-10-22
Debug 0 2001-01-01

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